Lesson for Early Stage Founders
1) If you want to be successful then generating only ideas is not the solution. You have to wake up every morning in a way that you have entered into the war with a high amount of zeal and energy to face and win that particular war. Every day, you have to maintain equal consistency, the same energy, and work as harder as you can on the same idea to achieve your goal. Remember the word “Every day” is very important in the founder’s life.
2) There is no alternative to hard work. When you see some most hard-working founders, they usually look old than their actual age. That is because of all sleepless nights they dedicate to be the “ONE” they are right now.
3) There are two things very equal to money. One is “time” and the other is “energy”. If you are wasting your time then you are wasting your ‘money’. Big Founders dedicate much of their time in going deep down into the problem statement and try to analyze the hidden gems. Remember — Whatever you see is not actual and what is an actual need to be figured out. You have to dig down harder to find diamonds from the coal mines. Don’t waste your energy in knowing about another person’s life.
4) Learning from someone’s achievements is always glamourous. But If you are reading all success stories then read some failure stories to nurture your thought process. It balances your thinking and eventually, you now know the approach and perspective of one complete mindset, how he thinks, whats is the direction of his life, and many more.
5) Always hire an employee with a positive attitude. Treat them like family and provide them extra facilities. Nowadays, money is preferably less important if you provide the right incentives and facilities to your employees. The chances of leaving your company would be much lower.
6) Always be prepared for the worst. Don’t make someone start dominating you. Neither your VC’s, colleagues, or employees. It arises when you get much dependent on others. You have to make the system such that if they leave, you have an alternate option.
6) Team respect is essential. Value your employees. Remember, someone blessings can turn out to be a success mantra for you. If you shout, misbehave, insult, or fire your employee for whatsoever reasons and if that employee leaves then remember, you are not saving your money against him rather you are getting liable for all bad condemnation he and his family will think of you. And that will affect you and your entire carrier in the long term.
7) No one knows where he/she will reach after 10 years. Even Jeff Bezos does not know he will enter in so many businesses when he started selling books online during initial days on Amazon. You never know which opportunity suddenly comes in your way. But remember, opportunity knock the door once and you need to grab it.
8) Every company wants to be as big as Amazon, Tesla, or Apple. It is only possible once you ace the competition. Get into the brains of the top notches of your competition and think about what can be their next move and how you could be better and bring out the changes in the Business model and get your first move. Think out of the box.