Finding the meaning of life
The real truth of life is one has to rest in peace any day. The most unpredictable event is already defined and written in the books of destiny. If you want to know the real importance of life, then visit a funeral. This instance will put a mirror in front of your eyes to evaluate your time, money, the importance of family & dearest ones. You will do time travel for some instance and every moment of your life will rewind inside your mind like the short movie clip.
I visited the funeral of an employee mother who is part of our family since my childhood day. I gave a strong thought of not crying and behave like a mature person. As soon as I reached, I heard everyone crying in grief. The surrounding was super negative and irresistible for the first time visitor like me. My eyes went to the dead body of a 70 years old lady and without a second, I felt a sudden shock and tremor inside my heart. Tears started rolling over my cheeks. Several thoughts flooded and started juggling inside my mind like tangled electric wires.
- “If everyone has to die one day, then what is the purpose of life? Why everyone in the world is getting trapped into the rat race and falling into the graveyard of unrealistic things ?”
- “Most of the people around us are unhappy, they aren’t able to give proper time to family and for themselves? We, humans, have turned ourselves into a money-making machine, which gets breakdown very often, and when this machine runs continuously without any rest, it has to be replaced very quickly.”
- “Did we provide happiness and support to our parents?? If not, we should do whatever we can to make this life meaningful for them till their last breath.”
- “Did we fight and argue with people, especially with the dearest one? Why not sort out the things with love and care.”
- “What if we decrease our expectations and turns our priority into living a meaningful life. We all will be satisfied till our last breath.”
- “I started calculating my daily time-spent and was shocked to realize that my thoughts are getting controlled by my cell phones and all sorts of social media, which are holding me back to utilize my time efficiently to maintain a proper work-life balance.”
- “I accepted the fact that you never know when will be your last breath, but till it arrives, add meaning to every second of the life by fulfilling the dreams of your family. Apart from the goal or achievement, dreams here defines as happiness and gratitude our parents expect from us.”
The 10 minutes turned into the biggest life lesson. Wherever you are, say you are running a business or startups or working in a company, spend your day adding value for you and the people around you. Never think of them as your competitor. We got only one life, make the most out of it. Respect the position one has achieved, whether big or small, treat everyone equally. Add happiness to the people who are poor, say, your servants, society guards, maids, drivers, who are working tirelessly for you. It is truly said that one has to LIVE the LIFE, which means live it to the fullest. Spent your money in traveling, reading, and to fulfill your wishes. Go out and see the world. Till your body and soul are the same entity, you make the most out of it. Remember - we were born empty-handed and we will take nothing after death.